- 23 May 2024
- 19 Minutes to read
- DarkLight
Generates marketing offers for orders.
- Updated on 23 May 2024
- 19 Minutes to read
- DarkLight
Whether to perform a dry run. Set to true.
List of orders.
Unique integration identifier.
List of orders.
Order details.
Do not send or set to null in request.
List of addons.
Unique addon identifier.
Addon name.
Addon price in dollar format.
Billing contact city.
Billing contact country in 2-letter ISO 3166-2 country format.
Billing contact date of birth in YYYY-MM-DD format.
Billing contact email.
Billing contact first name.
Billing contact last name.
Billing contact middle name.
Billing contact phone number.
Billing contact numerical (US)/alpha-numerical (CA) postal or zip code.
Billing contact state/province in standard 2-letter format.
Billing contact street address.
Billing contact title.
Request channel.
List of error codes when attempting to generate an offer. Do not send in request.
Possible error codes when attempting to generate offers for an order.
Optional unique order identifier
Order localization details.
2-letter ISO 3166-2 country code.
3-letter ISO 4217 currency code.
BCP 47 locale.
List of offers for the order. Do not send in request.
Offer details.
Offer APR (0.1532 = 15.32%).
List of offer marketing content.
Item locale.
Infomodal and tooltip header.
Infomodal and tooltip subheader.
Optional configured infomodal and tooltip subheader.
List of infomodal steps.
Step index.
Step copy.
Step icon code.
Infomodal and tooltip disclaimer.
FAQ header.
FAQ open button text.
FAQ back button text.
List of FAQ items.
FAQ item.
FAQ type.
FAQ title.
List of FAQ questions and answers.
FAQ question and answer.
Question index
FAQ question
FAQ answer
Down payment in dollar format.
Finance charges in dollar format.
Total cost of the transaction in dollar format.
Maximum APR possible for the corresponding order (0.36 = 36%).
Minimum APR possible for the corresponding order (0.07 = 7%).
Minimum order amount required for an offer in dollar format.
Monthly payment amount in dollar format.
Number of payments in months.
Origination fee in dollar format.
Order price in dollar format.
Price of the order less the down payment in dollar format.
Potential offer promotions.
Grand total less the down payment in dollar format.
Order category.
A list of order reservations. Only one reservation is allowed per item.
Only one item type is allowed per item.
Do not send or set to null in request.
Full airline name (recommended for third-party providers).
Insurance details.
Unique insurance identifier.
Insurance price in dollar format.
List of insurance types.
Reservation itinerary details. If there are multiple itinerary segments, order the segments chronologically (earliest to latest departureDate).
Arrival airport code in IATA 3-letter format.
Arrival city.
Arrival date in YYYY-MM-DD format.
Airline code in IATA 2-letter format.
Departure airport code in IATA 3-letter format.
Departure city.
Departure date in YYYY-MM-DD format.
Ticket type.
List of traveler references.
Traveler index.
Do not send or set to null in request.
Zero-based traveler index.
Fare class type.
Supplier name (recommended for third-party providers). Use the full airline name.
Total reservation amount in dollar format.
Reservation type.
Trip type.
Cruise reservation.
Do not send or set to null in request.
List of cruise addons.
Cruise addon.
Addon name.
Addon price in dollar format.
Reservation brand name (recommended for third-party providers). Use full cruise line name.
Cruise duration in days.
Cruise line name.
Disembark date in YYYY-MM-DD format.
Embark date in YYYY-MM-DD format.
Insurance details.
Unique insurance identifier.
Insurance price in dollar format.
List of insurance types.
Reservation itinerary. If there are multiple itinerary segments, order them chronologically (earliest to latest departureDate).
Cruise segment.
Booked reservation activities.
Cruise activity.
Activity date in YYYY-MM-DD format.
Activity name.
Activity price in dollar format.
Scheduled arrival date in YYYY-MM-DD format.
Arrival port name.
Departure date in YYYY-MM-DD format.
Departure port name.
List of cruise cabins.
Cruise cabin.
Cabin bed arrangement.
Cabin type.
Cabin stateroom deck number.
Cabin dining service.
Cabin stateroom number.
Cabin stateroom type.
Ship code.
Supplier name (recommended for third-party providers). Use full cruise line name.
List of traveler references.
Traveler index.
Do not send or set to null in request.
Zero-based traveler index.
Specific voyage identifier.
Event ticket.
Do not send or set to null in request.
Event end date in YYYY-MM-DD format.
Event name.
List of event extras.
Unique extra identifier.
Extra name.
Extra price in dollar format.
Event host.
Insurance details.
Unique insurance identifier.
Insurance price in dollar format.
List of insurance types.
Location details.
2-letter ISO 3166-2 country code
Numerical (US)/alpha-numerical (CA) postal or zip code.
State/province in standard 2-letter format.
Number of tickets purchased.
List of event attendee references.
Traveler index.
Do not send or set to null in request.
Zero-based traveler index.
Event ticket reference identifier.
Event start date in YYYY-MM-DD format.
Event type.
Price per ticket in dollar format.
Event venue name.
Product line.
Do not send or set to null in request.
Product name.
Product quantity.
Product SKU.
Product type.
Product unit price in dollar format.
Product reference information - use this field for any additional information to be captured for reporting.
Hotel reservation.
Do not send or set to null in request.
Hotel brand name.
Check-in date in YYYY-MM-DD format.
Check-out date in YYYY-MM-DD format.
Hotel name.
Insurance details.
Unique insurance identifier.
Insurance price in dollar format.
List of insurance types.
Reservation number of rooms.
Reservation price in dollar format.
Hotel property code.
Reservation type.
Supplier name (recommended for third-party providers). Use full hotel brand name.
Ticket type.
List of traveler references.
Traveler index.
Do not send or set to null in request.
Zero-based traveler index.
Do not send or set to null in request.
Subscription active date in YYYY-MM-DD format.
Subscription expiration date in YYYY-MM-DD format.
Subscription name.
List of subscription recipients.
Traveler index.
Do not send or set to null in request.
Zero-based traveler index.
Whether the subscription is automatic renewal.
Subscription renew date in YYYY-MM-DD format.
Subscription purchase website.
Subscription quantity.
Subscription type.
Price per subscription in dollar format.
Whether the purchase is an upgrade for an existing subscription.
Do not send or set to null in request.
Rental agency name.
Rental end date in YYYY-MM-DD format.
List of rental extras.
Unique extra identifier.
Extra name.
Extra price in dollar format.
Insurance details.
Unique insurance identifier.
Insurance price in dollar format.
List of insurance types.
Number of rental items.
List of renter references.
Traveler index.
Do not send or set to null in request.
Zero-based traveler index.
Rental agency-specific reference ID.
List of rental items.
Rental item details.
Item name.
Item price in dollar format.
Rental start date in YYYY-MM-DD format.
Rental type or item.
Rental price per unit in dollar format.
Location of the targeted display.
Points details (e.g. loyalty).
Points type or category.
Points name.
Number of points used.
Number of points remaining.
Original order amount in dollar format.
Total order amount in dollar format.
Supplier code.
List of targeted campaign attributes.
Optional targeted campaign attribute.
Campaign attribute name.
Campaign attribute value.
List of travelers.
Traveler details.
Do not send or set to null in request.
Traveler title.
Traveler date of birth in YYYY-MM-DD format.
List of orders.
Unique integration identifier.
List of orders.
Order details.
Do not send or set to null in request.
List of addons.
Unique addon identifier.
Addon name.
Addon price in dollar format.
Billing contact city.
Billing contact country in 2-letter ISO 3166-2 country format.
Billing contact date of birth in YYYY-MM-DD format.
Billing contact email.
Billing contact first name.
Billing contact last name.
Billing contact middle name.
Billing contact phone number.
Billing contact numerical (US)/alpha-numerical (CA) postal or zip code.
Billing contact state/province in standard 2-letter format.
Billing contact street address.
Billing contact title.
Request channel.
List of error codes when attempting to generate an offer. Do not send in request.
Possible error codes when attempting to generate offers for an order.
Optional unique order identifier
Order localization details.
2-letter ISO 3166-2 country code.
3-letter ISO 4217 currency code.
BCP 47 locale.
List of offers for the order. Do not send in request.
Offer details.
Offer APR (0.1532 = 15.32%).
List of offer marketing content.
Item locale.
Infomodal and tooltip header.
Infomodal and tooltip subheader.
Optional configured infomodal and tooltip subheader.
List of infomodal steps.
Step index.
Step copy.
Step icon code.
Infomodal and tooltip disclaimer.
FAQ header.
FAQ open button text.
FAQ back button text.
List of FAQ items.
FAQ item.
FAQ type.
FAQ title.
List of FAQ questions and answers.
FAQ question and answer.
Question index
FAQ question
FAQ answer
Down payment in dollar format.
Finance charges in dollar format.
Total cost of the transaction in dollar format.
Maximum APR possible for the corresponding order (0.36 = 36%).
Minimum APR possible for the corresponding order (0.07 = 7%).
Minimum order amount required for an offer in dollar format.
Monthly payment amount in dollar format.
Number of payments in months.
Origination fee in dollar format.
Order price in dollar format.
Price of the order less the down payment in dollar format.
Potential offer promotions.
Grand total less the down payment in dollar format.
Order category.
A list of order reservations. Only one reservation is allowed per item.
Only one item type is allowed per item.
Do not send or set to null in request.
Full airline name (recommended for third-party providers).
Insurance details.
Unique insurance identifier.
Insurance price in dollar format.
List of insurance types.
Reservation itinerary details. If there are multiple itinerary segments, order the segments chronologically (earliest to latest departureDate).
Arrival airport code in IATA 3-letter format.
Arrival city.
Arrival date in YYYY-MM-DD format.
Airline code in IATA 2-letter format.
Departure airport code in IATA 3-letter format.
Departure city.
Departure date in YYYY-MM-DD format.
Ticket type.
List of traveler references.
Traveler index.
Do not send or set to null in request.
Zero-based traveler index.
Fare class type.
Supplier name (recommended for third-party providers). Use the full airline name.
Total reservation amount in dollar format.
Reservation type.
Trip type.
Cruise reservation.
Do not send or set to null in request.
List of cruise addons.
Cruise addon.
Addon name.
Addon price in dollar format.
Reservation brand name (recommended for third-party providers). Use full cruise line name.
Cruise duration in days.
Cruise line name.
Disembark date in YYYY-MM-DD format.
Embark date in YYYY-MM-DD format.
Insurance details.
Unique insurance identifier.
Insurance price in dollar format.
List of insurance types.
Reservation itinerary. If there are multiple itinerary segments, order them chronologically (earliest to latest departureDate).
Cruise segment.
Booked reservation activities.
Cruise activity.
Activity date in YYYY-MM-DD format.
Activity name.
Activity price in dollar format.
Scheduled arrival date in YYYY-MM-DD format.
Arrival port name.
Departure date in YYYY-MM-DD format.
Departure port name.
List of cruise cabins.
Cruise cabin.
Cabin bed arrangement.
Cabin type.
Cabin stateroom deck number.
Cabin dining service.
Cabin stateroom number.
Cabin stateroom type.
Ship code.
Supplier name (recommended for third-party providers). Use full cruise line name.
List of traveler references.
Traveler index.
Do not send or set to null in request.
Zero-based traveler index.
Specific voyage identifier.
Event ticket.
Do not send or set to null in request.
Event end date in YYYY-MM-DD format.
Event name.
List of event extras.
Unique extra identifier.
Extra name.
Extra price in dollar format.
Event host.
Insurance details.
Unique insurance identifier.
Insurance price in dollar format.
List of insurance types.
Location details.
2-letter ISO 3166-2 country code
Numerical (US)/alpha-numerical (CA) postal or zip code.
State/province in standard 2-letter format.
Number of tickets purchased.
List of event attendee references.
Traveler index.
Do not send or set to null in request.
Zero-based traveler index.
Event ticket reference identifier.
Event start date in YYYY-MM-DD format.
Event type.
Price per ticket in dollar format.
Event venue name.
Product line.
Do not send or set to null in request.
Product name.
Product quantity.
Product SKU.
Product type.
Product unit price in dollar format.
Product reference information - use this field for any additional information to be captured for reporting.
Hotel reservation.
Do not send or set to null in request.
Hotel brand name.
Check-in date in YYYY-MM-DD format.
Check-out date in YYYY-MM-DD format.
Hotel name.
Insurance details.
Unique insurance identifier.
Insurance price in dollar format.
List of insurance types.
Reservation number of rooms.
Reservation price in dollar format.
Hotel property code.
Reservation type.
Supplier name (recommended for third-party providers). Use full hotel brand name.
Ticket type.
List of traveler references.
Traveler index.
Do not send or set to null in request.
Zero-based traveler index.
Do not send or set to null in request.
Subscription active date in YYYY-MM-DD format.
Subscription expiration date in YYYY-MM-DD format.
Subscription name.
List of subscription recipients.
Traveler index.
Do not send or set to null in request.
Zero-based traveler index.
Whether the subscription is automatic renewal.
Subscription renew date in YYYY-MM-DD format.
Subscription purchase website.
Subscription quantity.
Subscription type.
Price per subscription in dollar format.
Whether the purchase is an upgrade for an existing subscription.
Do not send or set to null in request.
Rental agency name.
Rental end date in YYYY-MM-DD format.
List of rental extras.
Unique extra identifier.
Extra name.
Extra price in dollar format.
Insurance details.
Unique insurance identifier.
Insurance price in dollar format.
List of insurance types.
Number of rental items.
List of renter references.
Traveler index.
Do not send or set to null in request.
Zero-based traveler index.
Rental agency-specific reference ID.
List of rental items.
Rental item details.
Item name.
Item price in dollar format.
Rental start date in YYYY-MM-DD format.
Rental type or item.
Rental price per unit in dollar format.
Location of the targeted display.
Points details (e.g. loyalty).
Points type or category.
Points name.
Number of points used.
Number of points remaining.
Original order amount in dollar format.
Total order amount in dollar format.
Supplier code.
List of targeted campaign attributes.
Optional targeted campaign attribute.
Campaign attribute name.
Campaign attribute value.
List of travelers.
Traveler details.
Do not send or set to null in request.
Traveler title.
Traveler date of birth in YYYY-MM-DD format.
Bad Request
Access Denied
Method Not Allowed
Request Timeout
Internal Server Error